Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Hudson Valley

The Hudson Valley that most New Yorkers love and enjoy has only been around for a mere 400 years, but in this time period it has changed and grown tremendously. It's extremely difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes this extraordinary place so unique, but it's probably a heterogeneous blend of things. Natural splendor, history, and ancient customs are so wonderfully interwoven that they cannot be separated, this is most likely what traps people here. These unbreakable bonds like a vast spider web, seem to catch individuals and never release them. I think this is the reason why the region is so appealing, everyone wants a place they can call home and the Hudson Valley offers all the qualities anyone could ever desire.

September 4th marks the Quadricentennial of Henry Hudson's discovery of the river that would later bear his name. From Septemeber to October 1609 Hudson and his crew aboard the Half Moon journeyed up the river from Manhattan to Albany and eventually back down. Along the way he was stunned with the natural beauty and resources that presented themselves to him, it looked like an unspoiled paradise. And in fact it was. This pivotal voyage sowed the seeds of colonization, years later when the first settlers arrived, the valley's destiny finally took root.

This year, in recognition of this nationally important exploration the state is hosting a whole bevy of events commemerating Hudson's voyage. All across the Great State of New York, festivals, parades, and parties are being held that deal with various aspects of the area such as history, art, literature, and the natural landscape. They are so numerous it's hard to miss them, just by picking up a newspaper one is sure to find large quantities listed. But to make things even easier I will shortly list and provide links to a few of these along with some interesting information that everyone who enjoys this place should know.

1. Hudson Happenings - News and events, plus a monthly photo contest.
2. Scenic Hudson - Hiking and conservation in the valley.
3. Explore NY 400 -Events and history of New York.
4. HV Sojourner - Everything Hudson Valley.


1. The Hudson: A History
2. The Hudson: America's River
3. The Hudson: An Illustrated Guide to the Living River
4. Hudson Valley Tales and Trails
5. Possessions: The History and Uses of Haunting in the Hudson Valley
6. A History of New York
7. Denning's Point

Read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, and Dolph Heyliger here. They're all written by Washington Irving.

"It is as pleasant a land as one need tread upon. The land is the finest for cultivation that I ever in my life set foot upon." -Henry Hudson

"I thank God that I was born on the banks of the Hudson. I fancy I can trace much of what is good and pleasant in my heterogeneous compound to my early companionship with this glorious river." -Washington Irving

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