Friday, August 7, 2009

View of Life

How do you view life? Is it positive, negative, or somewhere inbetween? I ask this because most people really don't have a clue, it generally takes some long contemplation before a true answer can be derived. It's actually one of the simplest questions that can be asked, nevertheless, it often poses difficulty for the majority. Why is this? Well, to put it bluntly it's probably because people just don't think for themselves. I mean really, how many individuals think about this simple question? I strongly doubt many. The majority often follows the path which is already made. Instead of wondering and imagining about something completely unique, people usually just think like a robot. They get up in the morning, follow the same routine day after day and never contemplate about the world's many mysteries. Mainly the thoughts of the day include the following: What should I wear? What should I eat? I'm tired, I don't want to go to work, I hate my life... etc. The wise thing to do is to forge a new road which no one has taken. If this is done thoughts which never entered your mind before will finally emerge.

Those that have pondered the aspects of life which most of the population never think about have done great things. People such as Einstein, Edison, Thoreau, and Ben Franklin followed their own path and each one came out to a completely new place. Their unique perspective helped them not only acheive great things for themselves, but for the world as well. This is what the power of individual thinking can do. However, those that follow the boring and well worn road of the majority often end up like a broken record. All they do is go in circles over and over until the end of their lives. This is not living; it's breathing and eating and that is all. There are so many examples of this which are in plain sight, take a look, they're all around. The business man- the one who acheives happiness through the accumulation of wealth. Money is his only thought, and how to make more of it. He spends his life chasing after cash instead of chasing after the things that really matter. And let's not forget about the college student- who is pursuing a career which will make him a living, but will neither bring him joy nor satisfaction. Indeed, both of these people will be able to stay alive, but if asked if their life is truly positive I think the answer will be "no".

This once again brings me back to the the question: How do you view life? Is it a burden or a blessing? The ones that have asked themselves this very question deserve an A+ in my book. By asking yourself even the simplest question which deviates from the majority shows an originality. Be it good or bad, it's the thought that counts. Many brilliant and gifted well known inventors, philosophers, and statesman have carefully thought about this and have given very detailed responses. Some viewed life as positive and thought man was naturally good, while others have viewed life in a far more negative fashion and believed the nature of man was full of evil and selfish vices. Which is the right way of thinking? Well, this is for each person to decide on their own.

In my opinion, however, I view life in a positive way. I think it's something that shouldn't be taken for granted and the most should be made with it. Why think of it as negative? This type of thought doesn't help anyone, all it does is depress and give a feeling of hopelessness. The way one views life is the way one will live it. Having a negative attitude accomplishes nothing, it essentially destroys all goals and takes the meaning of life away. Believing that people are inherently bad, selfish, and unoriginal will provide a sense of distrust. I say that people should trust first and distrust secondly. It makes things a lot easier and it also provides hope. The most important thing that exists is hope, for this is what keeps the world moving. Without it nothing would ever get accomplished. If a person didn't have anything to look forward to, why would they even bother trying to get a task done?

Writers such as Friedrich Nietzsche who believed that life lacked a purpose, constantly tried to convince others that there was no such thing as hope. Throughout much of Nietzsche's works he states time and time again that there is no point in believing in anything and that life is full of overhelmingly bad burdens. Essentially he viewed life in a extremely negative fashion. His words are poisonous and only cause harm. I often have to wonder why there are those who feel compelled to convince others that there is nothing to believe in or hope for. They seem to think they're doing a favor to the world by instilling a sense of "reason" onto the population. All that is getting done however, is the destruction of the people who actually make society a better place. People like Nietzsche are miserable and bascially want to take everyone else down with them. In my opinion, if you harbor these ill thoughts on life keep them to yourself. Only speak out if you have something that can improve mankind. Words should be spoken to cheer someone up, not bring them the down. Everyone has a choice that they must make: Do you want happiness or misery? Live accordingly, since the two are not interchangeable. Both cannot be had at the same time. Happiness can't under any circumstance be achieved if life is viewed negatively. In the end, Nietzche got his just rewards. Towards the end of his life he went insane and died a sad man; he reaped what he sowed.

In contrast to these types of individuals, there are those who see life like the sun, -it's brightness cannot be diminished in any way. People like this strive for a greater understanding of it's mysteries and view it as the most sublime force in the universe. Every individual who doesn't take life for granted should in their own way seek out its purest form. The famous Henry David Thoreau did exactly this and he found what he was looking for. He did so in an unusual way, but nevertheless, he followed his own path. For this he should be commended and we should follow his example of individuality. Seeking to understand life better, Thoreau retreated into the woods where he lived alone in a small cabin for two years. In that time span he had little contact with other humans, instead he communicated with nature. In Thoreau's words "I went to the woods because I wanted to live delibrately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." This says it all. It's not important how you seek out the very essence of life, instead, the main thing is what is gotten out of the experience.

Life is complicated, there is no doubt about this. And even with all the different views that people possess, be it good or bad, it's within our grasp right now, so make the most of it. And along the twisting ride, forge your own path through the thickets, be original. Don't be content with a normal life, make it something special. And also remember to ask yourself each day while wandering through the tranquil solitudes of thought and reverie: How do I view life? For even the subtlest thought of this question can bring careful introspection to the most important thing in the world- Life and it's many mysteries, which are just waiting to be discovered.

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