Friday, June 19, 2009


I had quite an eventful trip yesterday. In the early morning I decided to go buy some fireworks in Pennsylania. Just about every year I do this right before the 4th of July. And since you can't buy fireworks in New York I'm forced to go out of state. I could go the much easier route and just go over the Connecticut border which is 15 minutes away. They are legal there, but businesses are only allowed to sell only certain ones, most of which are the small pathetic variety. So instead I go to Milford PA, it's about 5 minutes away from Port Jervis. Once the border is crossed 3 huge billboards can be seen all advertising fireworks... it's pretty funny. The signs appear to be taunting New Yorkers... lol. But yeah, there's tons of stores over there that sell them. And a few are the size of supermarkets and that's all they sell.

When you get inside you pick up either a cart or basket and begin the process of choosing from the enormous selection. The strangest part about this is that only people from out of state are allowed to go in and purchase fireworks. When you first arrive someone checks your driver's license. PA residents can't even step inside the main area that's full of all the good stuff. Like CT they're only allowed to buy small fireworks. I feel bad for people that live there, they can't buy the things that they're allowed to sell. It doesn't make much sense. They sure do have a monopoly though, at the stores you see people from NY, CT, and NJ... a lot of money is made this way. It's in a great spot too, Milford is at the junction of NY, NJ, and PA. All three states converge on one small area near the Delaware river.

The place I go to is a relatively small store, but it has everything I like. By the time I left I had gotten Roman candles, bottle rockets, firecrakers, helicopters, small mortars, and a few other things. The drive to and from the store was absolutely terrible, it was raining nonstop the entire way. If this rain keeps up everything will flood, including the river adjacent to my street which seems to over flow its banks every year now. It's quite a sight to see boats floating over the road. I won't discuss that now, I'll save it for another entry...

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