Sunday, June 14, 2009


Looking at the news and current events recently I've noticed that people of principle are becoming less common and hypocrites are on the rise. I'm not going to give a specific example, but it seems as though the majority of people have no strong beliefs that they firmly take hold of. They don't formulate ideas of their own and staunchly defend them, instead they drift along as obsequious slaves. All they want is personal gain and they don't care how they get it, even if it is contrary to the half held beliefs they possess. The easy way out is for them.

In contrast, people who do have principles will hold onto them and will stick up for their beliefs even when they have something to lose. The main difference between the two is sacrifice. Those who have principles will sacrifice for their ideas even if it means a considerable loss. This is the right and honorable way to live by. It utterly amazes me that a large part of society won't stick up for hard held beliefs and they criticize those who have the audacity to firmly believe in something and unwaver in their stance. Compromise doesn't work well with principles.

And another thing, if you actually do believe in something do not under any circumstance become hypocritical. If you make a promise, don't break it. Don't say one thing and do another. Say what you mean, and mean what you say... is it that difficult? Also, what good is profit if you've done nothing to earn it. Is sitting on the fence the way you want to live by? It's better to lose with honor than to win by hypocrisy. I'm sure everyone has seen this... what do you think of people who live this way? Are they trustworthy?... can you depend on them?... I don't think so. If you've gotten anything out of reading this do me one thing: gain some principles and stick by them!

"The superior man always thinks of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort."- Confucious

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